How Much Raw Food To Feed Cat- Raw Feeding Guide

How Much Raw Food To Feed Cat?
Feeding your cat the right amount of raw food can be a challenge, but with the help of this guide, you'll be able to figure out how much your cat needs and ensure they're getting the essential nutrients.

- What is RAW Food?
- Types of Raw Foods for Cats
- Benefits of Raw Food for Cats
- How Much Raw Food to Feed a Cat?
- How Much to Feed Your Cat per Day?
- How to Give Your Cat a Raw Diet?
- How To Feed Raw Food To Your Cat?
- Raw Food Diet For Cats: What To Avoid
- What to Do if Your Cat Doesn't Like Raw Food
- The Final Word
What is RAW Food?
Raw food is a diet that consists almost entirely of fresh, unprocessed foods. Raw food diets are high in nutrients and enzymes and low in processed carbohydrates. They are popular with cats because they are easy to digest and contain all the nutrients their bodies need.
When feeding a raw food diet to your cat, you will need to mix the food with a bit of water or broth to make it easier for them to eat. You can also purchase specially formulated raw food diets for cats.
Always keep an eye on your cat's weight and health while they are on a raw food diet, as their stomachs may not be able to handle large amounts of raw vegetables and fruits.
Types of Raw Foods for Cats
Raw diets for cats can be as simple as fresh vegetables and fruits, or they can be more complex with meat, bones, and organs. It is essential to consult your veterinarian before starting a raw diet for your cat, as specific guidelines must be followed to ensure your pet's health.
Types of Raw Feeding
Cat owners can consider a few different types of raw feeding.
The most popular is what's called a "pelletized diet." These foods are made up of pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables that are ground up and then shaped into pellets. They're usually easy to give your kitty and provide all the nutrients she needs since they're not cooked.
Another type of raw feeding is called "canned food." This means that the food is warmed but not cooked, and it's often made from meat, fish, or poultry. It's a good option if you don't have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Commercial "raw diets" are also available, which combine pelletized and canned foods into one package.
Benefits of Raw Food for Cats
Benefits of feeding your cat raw food include:
- Increased Activity and Exercise: A raw food diet promotes increased activity and exercise because it is high in fibre and muscle-building proteins. This can help your cat stay healthy and fit.
- Improved Digestion: Feeding a raw food diet to your cat helps improve digestion because the natural enzymes and acids in raw foods help break down the food into its parts. This helps to prevent digestive problems, such as diarrhoea, constipation, and vomiting.
- Higher Quality Food: A raw food diet is of higher quality than a cooked or processed diet. Raw foods are made up of whole, unprocessed ingredients that contain all the nutrients your cat needs to stay healthy. Cooking or processing can destroy the food's essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients.
- Fewer Health Problems: Feeding a raw food diet to your cat can help reduce the number of health problems by providing your cat with essential nutrients that it cannot get from a cooked or processed diet. This can include improved dental hygiene, less hair loss, lower rates of obesity, and fewer instances of diabetes mellitus.
How Much Raw Food to Feed a Cat?
Feeding a raw diet to your cat can be a great way to help them maintain their health and keep them active. However, making the switch can be daunting for some pet owners. Here are some tips to help you figure out how much raw food to feed your cat.
- First, it's essential to understand that not all raw diets are created equal. Some may have a higher fat content, leading to obesity in your cat if eaten in excess.
- Read the ingredients list and ensure that the food you're giving your cat has been designed explicitly for kitty consumption.
- Next, consider your cat's weight and activity level when deciding on a feeding schedule. If your cat is overweight or inactive, it may need fewer meals than a healthy cat who is more active. Also, remember that cats eat more frequently in the morning and evening.
- Feed them breakfast and dinner around the same time every day, and skip the middle meal.
- Finally, monitor your cat's weight and adjust their diet accordingly if they start to gain weight or lose activity levels.
How Much to Feed Your Cat per Day?
If you own a cat, you know they need a lot of food. A regular diet for a cat should have around 24-30% of their daily caloric intake in raw meat or other animal-based products. This means that if your cat is eating 1,000 calories per day, it should be getting around 240-300 calories in the form of raw meat.
How to Give Your Cat a Raw Diet?
When it comes to feeding your cat a raw diet, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, according to the ASPCA, a healthy raw diet should consist of between 25 and 50 per cent raw food. And depending on your cat's size, weight, and activity level, you may need to feed them even more.
So how much raw food should you give your cat?
Here's a rough guide:
- 1 - 3 months old: Give your small cat portions of fresh, raw meat or poultry. If your cat eats enough wet food and is healthy, you can gradually start transitioning them to a raw diet.
- 4 - 6 months old: Give your cat about half their diet in raw form (meat, poultry, or eggs) and half in cooked form. Again, if your cat is healthy and eating enough wet food, you can slowly transition them to a 100% raw diet.
- 7 - 12 months old: Give your cat about three-quarters of their diet in raw form (meat, poultry, or eggs) and one quarter in cooked form. Again, if your cat is healthy and eating enough wet food, you can slowly transition them to 100% raw.
How To Feed Raw Food To Your Cat?
Raw food diets are becoming increasingly popular for pets, offering many health benefits. However, some cats may not be comfortable with a raw diet. Here are tips on how to feed your cat a raw food diet safely and comfortably.
If you're considering starting your cat on a raw food diet, start by educating yourself about the benefits. A raw food diet can benefit cats' overall health, including their teeth and digestion. It can also help reduce the risk of diseases like obesity and cancer.
Some cats may not be comfortable eating RAW meat; however, some adapt well. Raw meat should only make up a small part of your cat's diet, with most of their meals consisting of cooked or processed foods.
Some things to keep in mind when feeding your cat a raw food diet include:
- Start slowly: Switching your cat to a raw food diet all at once can be difficult and stressful. A gradual transition is recommended to ensure your cat doesn't get overwhelmed or sick.
- Be prepared: Make sure you have enough supplies to feed your cat during the transition period (raw meat, fresh vegetables, water, etc.).
Raw Food Diet For Cats: What To Avoid
When you consider switching your cat to a raw food diet, remember a few things.
- First and foremost, ensure the food is fresh and that the ingredients haven't been cooked in any way.
- Second, be sure to give your cat plenty of water and exercise.
- Finally, watch for signs of illness or malnutrition -- if your cat starts losing weight or has anaemia, it's time to switch to a different diet.
What to Do if Your Cat Doesn't Like Raw Food
If your cat doesn't seem to be enjoying her raw food, you can do a few things to make it more delicious.
First, mix some of her regular kibbles with the raw food. This should give her something to chew on while she's eating and help satisfy her hunger.
Additionally, feed your cat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day rather than one large meal.
This will help keep her stomach full and prevent her from being too tempted to stray from her diet.
The Final Word
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amounts of raw food you feed your cat will vary depending on their age, weight, and activity levels.
However, generally speaking, you can give your cat about 2 cups of fresh or frozen prey per day (which includes small rodents such as mice or gerbils). Be sure to keep an eye on your cat while they are hunting – if they seem overexcited or are exhibiting any other signs of discomfort, stop providing them with raw food and consult a veterinarian.